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The Wise Seagul

What happens when a sea otter eats the magical seaweed?


The ocean becomes green, the veils of nature burn down, and the once defenseless child of the sea becomes a vigilante.  Yet this is just one story of the Wise Seagul’s flock. Illuminating the world with dark facts, the Wise Seagul gathers creatures from the air, the forest, and the sea to become aware. With the newly acquired power of understanding, symbolized by ‘wearing a hat,’ the Wise Seagul, sea otter, and polar bear enter the world of “the monkeys.”


In the land of war, greed, and technology we see through the eyes of ‘The Other’ inhabitants.  Walking away from the melting Arctic sea ice, the Wise Seagul, sea otter, and polar bear go to the bar at the sea otter’s invitation. There the creatures interact with “the monkeys” and are first introduced to technology: a television called, “GOD.”

I have already begun the next issue which features “The Drunken Moose,” and "The Magical Forest.”  The final ending to the series will be the uniting of monkeys and wildlife to show the world the importance of Nature over technology.

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